Embracing the New Moon in Aquarius

Theme: Listen to your inner truth, be you

Element: Air

Planet: Saturn

Energy: Change, New Perspective, Acknowledgement, Authenticity, Community

Colors: Green, Blue

The New Moon in Aquarius calls for shifts, collaboration, like fresh air, fresh ideas are coming in. This fixed air sign brings in energy of focus and understanding of situations, while stimulating an open-minded solution base, favoring not only logic but creativity and authenticity. This innovative energy creates space for you to explore your individuality and what you bring to the table. Acknowledge your role and contribution to your family, your community. Create, be who you are, and use your power from your previous experiences in order to trust in your abilities now. By standing in your purpose and fulfilling your goal, you help contribute to the greater good.

This lunar phase is a time to rest, while reflecting on what we know to be true.  Intentionally taking steps towards aligning with the lessons we’ve learned about ourselves and the world around us. Whether you’re seeking focus, craving connection, or simply wanting to reset, this New Moon is here to guide you.

Reflection Prompts for Self-Care and Rest

  • What has come up for you recently? What shadows or fears have been revealed? What changes would you like to make, now that you have acknowledged what you’re feeling?.
  • Reflect on your unique role in the collective, how do your goals contribute to the betterment of the people around you?
  • What is your powerful new moon intention?

Self-Care Practices to Align with Aquarius Energy

  • Free flow of consciousness: Write freely to acknowledge hidden truths and/or shadows. Let the pen flow without judgement and trust your instincts. Use this moon’s energy to journal and meditate on your intentions. Allow space to truly listen inward and trust the downloads you receive.
  • Movement: Take a walk outdoors, try something new.
  • Connection: Call a like-minded, trusted friend or a loved one, discuss your plans, intentions. See how they connect and how you can help each other move forward. Learning and teaching along the way.

Trust in your ability to realign, shift, and do what is best for you in this new lunar cycle.